I'm currently working on the development of technology which is ideally suited to the following applications:
- Mining (gold, platinum, diamonds, gemstones and other minerals):
- gold prospecting, exploration and bulk sampling
- alluvial and placer gold mining operations where gold trommels,
sluice boxes and panning are traditionally used
- alluvial mining of other minerals including diamond and gemstone
- reprocessing of material from tailings dumps
- as a pre-concentration component in hard rock mines for fine
gold recovery and mineral extraction - prior to, or in place of chemical processes
- for any mineral extraction or concentration application where
gravity concentration is used, as an alternative to spiral
- Sand and Gravel operations where gold and/or other minerals are present.
- For environmental cleanups / lead remediation projects in decontamination of polluted land, specifically
for lead shot or bullet recovery from trap & skeet, pistol and rifle shooting ranges